Tairov, V. V.2016-07-262016-07-262016Tairov V.V. Factors Affecting the Quality of Pad Printing / V. V. Tairov // Полиграфические, мультимедийные и WEB-технологии (PMW-2016) : тез. докл. 1-й Междунар. науч.-техн. конф., 16–20 мая 2016 г. – Харьков : ХНУРЭ, 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 22–23.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/1611Pad printing is a kind of gravure printing process in which ink is transferred from the plate to a substrate using special pad. Pad printing technology is used for printing on curved surfaces and different materials. The analysis of the problems arising in the pad printing was conducted. In particular, the problem of fixing ink on certain types of plastics and the resistance of the print to mechanical damage.enpad printinggravure printing processFactors Affecting the Quality of Pad PrintingConference proceedings