Machekhin, Yu. P.Kurskoy, Yu. S.Prisich, E.2019-05-172019-05-172016Machekhin Yu. The measurement portrait of dynamic variables / Yu. Machekhin , Yu. Kurskoy , Prisich E. // Метрологія та прилади - 2016 - N.5 , P. 48-51 measurement portrait, like a new measure-ment results analysis tool for dynamic variables of nonlinear dynamic systems, is describes in this ar-ticle. It is proposed because of often insurmount-able diffi culties with the formulation of the meas-urement equation of nonlinear dynamic variables. The measurement portrait is a graphical and nu-merical display of the dynamic variables measure-ment results. Its application allows us to achieve the high information content of the measurement re-sults. An analysis of the measurement portrait al-lows to determine the connection between the dy-namic variables at any time points and a number of other important characteristics of the nonlinear dynamic systems.endynamic variablesnonlinear dynamic systems, measurement, characteristics, informationmeasurementcharacteristicsThe measurement portrait of dynamic variablesArticle