Chernogor, L. F.Lazorenko, O. V.Lazorenko, S. V.Vishnivetsky, O. V.2016-09-202016-09-202007Digital analysis of the non-linear ultrawideband processes / L. F. Chernogor and all / Материалы 6-й International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 17-21 September. 2007 г. - Sevastopol. 2007. - С. 189-190. continuous wavelet transform, the analytical wavelet transform, the digital wavelet transform and the Wigner transform are proposed to apply for the digital analysis of the non-linear ultrawideband processes. The advantages and the disadvantages of each transform being significant during that application are discussed. As the convincing example, the results of the analysis of the Earth’s magnetic field disturbances caused by the rocket “Proton” launch taken place 12 February 2000 at cosmodrome Baikonur (Kazakhstan) are considered.ensignal processingwavelet transformsWigner transformultrawideband processesrocket launchEarth’s magnetic field disturbanceDigital analysis of the non-linear ultrawideband processesArticle