Putyatin, Y.Lyashenko, V.Mohammad Ayaz AhmadLyubchenko, V.N. Ameer Ahmad2018-06-222018-06-222015Putyatin Y., Lyashenko V., Mohammad A., Lyubchenko V., Ahmad A. A Theoretical Interpretation for the Study of Images Processing //International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies. – 2015. – Vol. 3(9). –P. 17-31.2321-7782http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/6318In the present article and attempt has been made for the study of image processing, which is an important issue in various systems based on the electronic data analysis. This is also necessary for mankind in the age of modern technology, because it is essential to note systems of computer vision which render the indispensable help to the person in various situations and processes demanding special attention and also speed in decision-making. At the same time among variety of different methods and approaches for image processing it is necessary to allocate methodology of image normalization. The essence of such methodology of image processing consists in indemnification of different geometrical distortions of the input image which have been received a result of registration of the investigated image and its presentation on an input of system of the data analysis, in comparison with some reference picture. On the basis of such approach the work considers geometrical interpretation of the analyzed image of object as a basis of use of the device of the group theory.enimage processingnormalizeA Theoretical Interpretation for the Study of Images ProcessingArticle