Нікітенко, О. М.2020-12-292020-12-292019Nikitenko O. Has a magnetron abnormal anode current? / O. M. Nikitenko // International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics, UkrMiCo 2019, Odesa, doi 10.1109/UkrMiCo47782.2019.9165516http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/14039In this article two model of crossed-field devices: magnetron and magnetron diode was described. For magnetron diode one equilibrium point was found and it is potential energy minimum. Therefore electrons that have lost kinetic energy move to potential minimum forming space charge. For magnetron two equilibrium points was found one of them is potential energy minimum and other is potential energy maximum. Therefore electrons that have lost kinetic energy move to potential minimum forming anode current. Thus magnetron has no abnormal anode current.enmagnetronmagnetron diodeequilibrium pointpotential energyHas a magnetron abnormal anode current?Article