Dolhanenko, O. D.Shirokopetleva, M. S.2021-05-222021-05-222020Dolhanenko O. D. Solving the Store Integration Problem in the Bonus Sharing System “Bonusharing” / O. D. Dolhanenko, M. S. Shirokopetleva // ХXVІІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції MicroCAD-2020: у 5 ч. Ч. I. Харків: НТУ «ХПІ». 2020. - С. 4. whole idea of sharing virtual store bonuses will not work if there are not many stores participating and co-working with the service. The “BonuSharing” system is being developed with ease of client integration in mind, which is key to the service success.enStore Integration ProblemSoftwareTechnical IntegrationSolving the Store Integration Problem in the Bonus Sharing System “Bonusharing”Thesis