Shcherbyna, V.Maksymova, S.Yevsieiev, V.2024-07-222024-07-222023Shcherbyna V. Mobile Robot for Fires Detection Development / V. Shcherbyna, S. Maksymova, V. Yevsieiev // Journal of Universal Science Research, 2023. – 1(11). – P. 17–27.2181-4570 the article, the authors propose the development of a mobile robot. The base is Arduino Mega 2560 R3. The wheelbase chosen is a single-deck robot platform. Breadboard without ration MB-102 with 400 points was selected next. The robot is equipped with the following sensors: ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, KY-033 Line sensor, flame sensor KY-026, IR thermomodule, Wi-Fi module ESP8266 version ESP-01. The rest of the article suggests programming the fire sensor.enmobile robotmicrocontrollerMobile Robot for Fires Detection DevelopmentArticle