Averyanova, L. A.Golovenko, V. M.Скляр, О. І.Sharmazanova, E. P.2019-03-182019-03-182001The Idia of Monitoring Mass Population Bone System Checkups / L. A. Averjanova, V. M. Golovenko, O. I. Sklyar, E. P. Sharmazanova // Сб.трудов. 4-ой Междунар. конферен.”Радиоэлектроника в медицин ской диагностике”, Москва, 3-4 октября 2001г.-Москва. -С.81-82.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8121In great extent, functional abilities of a human organism are determined by the state of its bone system. The extent, to which the bone pathology has spread, has become one of the most vital medical and social problems of the modern society. To catalyze investigations on the prophylactics, diagnosis and treatment of the bone system diseases, the W.H.O. has declared a decade of bones and joints (2000-2010).enmonitoringmass populationosteoporozbone-systemThe Idia of Monitoring Mass Population Bone System CheckupsArticle