Лемешко, О. В.Arus, K.2016-09-072016-09-072015CADSM 2015, 24 - 27 February , 2015, Polyana - Svalyava (Zakarpattya), UKRAINEhttp://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/2225Schemes for protection of a node, a link and a rout under fault-tolerant multicast routing are presented for a multiflow case. The schemes are based on a nonlinear flow model which has the conditions for preventing links overload modified for a case when not all flows can switch to backup routs but only some of them. Scheme operability is demonstrated on a numerical example which has proven effectiveness of the proposed solution for the multiflow case.enТелекоммуникацииflow-based modelfault-toleranceroutingbackup schememulticast flowsMulticast Fast Re-Route Schemes for Multiflow CaseConference proceedings