Grebennik, I. V.Chorna, O.2018-03-262018-03-262015Grebennik I. Elements transpositions and their impact on the cyclic structure of permutations / I. Grebennik, O.Chorna // Econtechmod. An international quarterly journal on economics in technology,new technologies and modelling processes – 2015. – Vol. 4, № 3 – P. 33–38. objective of this paper is the investigation of the cyclic structure and permutation properties based on neighbor elements transposition properties and the properties of the permutation polyhedron. In this paper we consider special type of transpositions of elements in a permutation. A feature of these transpositions is that they corresponding to the adjacency criterion in a permutation polyhedron. We will investigate permutation properties with the help of the permutation polyhedron by using the immersing in the Euclidian space. Six permutation types are considered in correspondence with the location of arbitrary components. We consider the impact of the corresponding components on the cyclic structure of permutations depending on the type of a permutation.rupermutations setpermutation polyhedronadjacency criterionpermutation propertiestranspositioncombinatoricsElements transpositions and their impact on the cyclic structure of permutationsArticle