Yechevskyi, А.2024-11-192024-11-192024Yechevskyi, А. Innovative solutions for smart cities: how iot and 5g can change road infrastructure and reduce emissions / А. Yechevskyi // Digital innovation & sustainable development 2024 : International Conference, 2024. - рр. 10-11. report discusses innovative solutions for smart cities based on IoT and 5G technologies. The main focus is on adaptive traffic management, which reduces congestion, optimizes traffic flows, and reduces CO emissions. The technical aspects of implementing such systems and their impact on sustainable development are analyzed. A comparison of traditional and innovative solutions shows the benefits of using IoT in transport infrastructure.en-USInternet of Things5Gsmart citiesecologyInnovative solutions for smart cities: how iot and 5g can change road infrastructure and reduce emissionsConference proceedings