Gorielova, R. A.2016-07-222016-07-222016Gorielova R. A. The Usage of the Seo-Tools on the Stage of the Front-end Web Development / R. A. Gorielova // Полиграфические, мультимедийные и WEB-технологии (PMW-2016) : тез. докл. 1-й Междунар. науч.-техн. конф., 16–20 мая 2016 г. – Харьков : ХНУРЭ, 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 94–95.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/1575In the process of developing or updating the site, you should pay attention not only to the external design of the site, but also to the representation of HTML code.The subsequent indexing of the site by search engines, and consequently its positioning in SERP, is implemented taking into account not only the external and internal ranking factors, but also based on the behavior (user) factors.endeveloping or updating the siteexternal design of the sitecode optimizationbehavioral factorThe Usage of the Seo-Tools on the Stage of the Front-end Web DevelopmentConference proceedings