Гришко, С. В.2020-08-122020-08-122014Гришко С. В. How to create in a society a demand for the quality of higher education and how to reestablish its trust in the quality assurance system in Ukraine? / С. В. Гришко // Імператив якості: вчимося цінувати і оцінювати вищу освіту: навч. посіб. / За ред. Т. Добка, М. Головянко, О. Кайкової, В. Терзіяна, Т. Тііхонена. – Львів: Видавництво «Компанія "Манускрипт"», 2014. – с. 34-45978-966-2400-37-3http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/12678The overall long-term objective of the Ukrainian society would be the development of the complete Quality Assurance System for Higher Education not by revolution but as a result of evolutionary changes. The way towards better education quality consists in essential structural changes aimed at the enhancement of a wide societal involvement in the QA process. To achieve the objective an academic quality assurance culture should be formed as a result of the collected experience of intercommunication between society and the higher education system.enзабезпечення якості освітиTempusTRUSTquality assurancehigher educationHow to create in a society a demand for the quality of higher education and how to reestablish its trust in the quality assurance system in Ukraine?Book chapter