Kovalenko, T. N.2016-05-302016-05-302012Kovalenko, Т. N. Analysis of productivity of distributed systems with service oriented architecture under conditions of limited link and buffer resources of telecommunication network / Т.N. Kovalenko // Проблеми телекомунікацій. - 2012. № 1 (6). - С. 3 – 11. Режим доступа к журн.: http://pt.journal.kh.ua/2012/1/1/121_kovalenko_petri.pdf.http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/441Analysis of productivity of a distributed system with service-oriented architecture and request loss probability in SOA system is done, as well as dependence of these characteristics on network throughput and buffer size at high load levels and under overload conditions.enservice-oriented architecturedistributed systemrequest loss probabilityproductivityAnalysis of productivity of distributed systems with service oriented architecture under conditions of limited link and buffer resources of telecommunication networkArticle