Chernogor, L. F.Lazorenko, O. V.2016-09-202016-09-202007Chernogor, L. F. System Spectral Analysis of the Signals / L. F. Chernogor, O. V. Lazorenko / Материалы 6-й International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 17-21 September 2007 г. - Sevastopol, 2007. - С. 205-207. new complex signal analysis method called as system spectral analysis and based on the simultaneous application of the set of linear and non-linear integral transforms is proposed. The abilities of the system spectral analysis at the sample of investigation of the unique natural phenomenon well known as the rogue wave are shown.endigital signal processingwavelet transformsGabor transformshorttime Fourier transformCohen class non-linear transformsSystem Spectral Analysis of the SignalsArticle