Starzak, M.Zabierowski, W.Napieralski, A.2016-08-232016-08-232012Starzak, M. System for Transmitting HDTV over IP Networks Using Open-Source Software / M. Starzak, W. Zabierowski, A. Napieralski // Радиоэлектроника и информатика : науч.-техн. журн. – Х. : Изд-во ХНУРЭ, 2012. – Вып. 1. – С. 38-40. article presents results of work in the field of transmission of standard and non-standard high definition television signals over IP networks for application in medical environment. 1An example system for realtime signal acquisition, compression and broadcast is presented. It was built from off-the-shelf computer equipment, as a part of a video consulting system for medical (cardiological) purposes. To complete the task a DirectShow filter imitating a video capture device driver for Microsoft Windows operating system has been created.enInternetdigital video compressionHDTVDTVSystem for Transmitting HDTV over IP Networks Using Open-Source SoftwareArticle