Sheludʹko, N.Vasiurenko, O.Lyashenko, V.Morozova, N.2021-07-032021-07-032020Sheludʹko N., Vasiurenko O., Lyashenko V., Morozova N. Gold and Bitcoin Price Dynamics as a Reflection of Investor Sentiment // Journal La Bisecoman. – 2020. – Vol. 1(4). – P. 19-25.2721-0987 modern pandemic affects all areas of human activity. In this regard, various aspects of the preservation of economic activity become fundamental. One of these issues is the choice of an investment strategy, the choice of investment instruments. To do this, we examined the mutual dynamics of gold and bitcoin prices during the pandemic. For the analysis we use the wavelet coherence methodology. This made it possible to substantiate some strategies and the choice of investment instrumentsenGoldBitcoinGold and Bitcoin Price Dynamics as a Reflection of Investor SentimentArticle