Farmaga, I.Marikutsa, U.Wrobel, J.Fabirovskyy, A.2016-09-052016-09-052011Farmaga, I. Development of Computer-Aided Thermal Procedures of Technical Objects / I. Farmaga and all // Радиоэлектроника и информатика : науч.-техн. журн. – Х. : Изд-во ХНУРЭ, 2011. – Вып. 4. – С. 42-46. popularities of the development of design procedures and thermal design operations for the construction of a general structure of a computer-aided thermal design of technical objects with the aim of providing their thermophysical characteristics are described.enthermal modeltechnical objectthermal designDevelopment of Computer-Aided Thermal Procedures of Technical ObjectsArticle