Kryvoruchko, M. A.Shirokopetleva, M. S.2021-05-222021-05-222020Kryvoruchko M. A. Solving the Problem of User Notificationin System for Economy “Buy&Save” / M. A. Kryvoruchko, M. S. Shirokopetleva // ХXVІІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції MicroCAD-2020: у 5 ч. Ч. I. Харків: НТУ «ХПІ». 2020. - С. 8. question of preference and statistics based user notifications is being addressed in the early stages of the “Buy&Save” system development. Finding the solution to such questions early is critical to the service success.enUser Notification SystemSoftwareSolving the Problem of User Notificationin System for Economy “Buy&Save”Thesis