Shalko, Y.2022-10-182022-10-182022Yevhenii S. Analysis of Production Data Monitoring and Visualization Systems for Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Y. Shalko // Manufacturing & Mechatronic Systems 2022 : proceedings of the VIst International Conference, Kharkiv, October 21-22, 2022 : thesises of reports / [ed. by I. Sh. Nevlyudov (chief editor)] - Kharkiv : [electronic version], 2022. - P. 39-42. this material, a study of modern systems of monitoring and visualization of production data for cyberphysical production systems (CPPS) based on Industry 4.0 was conducted. In the course of the study, the production monitoring system, its main components, and structure will be considered, in addition, we will pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of similar systems.enIndustry 4.0production monitoring systemVisualization SystemsAnalysis of Production Data Monitoring and Visualization Systems for Cyber-Physical Production SystemsThesis