Manakov, V.Chebotareva, I.Muraviova, O.2022-07-142022-07-142017Manakov V., Chebotareva I., Muraviova O. Integrated evaluation of the quality of extrusion packaging flexo-print // Полиграфические, мультимедийные и web-технологии: тезисы докладов 2-й Международной научно-технической конференции, 16-22 мая 2017. – Харьков: ХНУРЭ, 2017. – Т.1. – С. 11-12. the moment of its appearance on the market, the tube packaging has gained popularity for consumers and manufacturers of various products. The tube packaging is indispensable for toothpaste, creams, balms, and also for many food products. Tube like a packing is convenient and practical, it is able to give the products a good appearance. Therefore, companies that are engaged in producing the tube packaging, attach a great importance to the quality of their products.enqualityproductsIntegrated evaluation of the quality of extrusion packaging flexo-printConference proceedings