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Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Теоретичні та прикладні аспекти розробки пристроїв на мікроконтролерах і ПЛІС». MC&FPGA

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Зараз показано 1 - 20 з 24
  • Публікація
    Literacy is an Important Factor in Professional Training of Modern Specialist
    (MC&FPGA, 2020) Tsyhanenko, V.; Ochkurova, N.; Serhiieva, A.
    The abstracts of the report draw attention to such a factor as language literacy, which is extremely important in any communication in the professional field. The problems that arise when using words-terms of foreign origin, verb nouns, adjectives and verbs are considered. Attention is drawn to the difficulties of translating professional terms, especially from the Russian language.
  • Публікація
    Special Features of the Educational Component “Design of Devices on Microcontrollers and FPGA”
    (2020) Svyd, I.; Semenets, V.; Chumak, V.; Vorgul, O.; Zubkov, O.; Boiko, N.
    Questions of features of the distribution and the implementation of the educational component "Design of devices on microcontrollers and field programmed logical gate arrays" with the support of all stakeholders’ requirements to the latest technical knowledge are considered. Structural and technical description of the educational component is discussed.
  • Публікація
    3D Printing in Online Education
    (2020) Zavolodko, H.; Haidar, N.
    The review object is the subsystem verification and printing 3D-model online learning system mixed type. To do this, a review of analogues, technologies, stages of printing were identified. The aim is to design with IP topics that uses the additive technologies in the educational process. In the given IDEF – diagram describing the function of the system; authentication rules, verification of 3D-models, sending the model to print, selecting a device online, and basic screen forms.
  • Публікація
    Visualization Modeling of Networks Management Systems
    (2020) Petryshyn, L.; Petryshyn, M.; Cieslik, W.
    Simulation of the processes of sectoral cooperation management in distributed information systems allows to reduce the means of introduction and operation of such complex systems. The proposed method of visualization of information models reflects graphically the constituent processes and simplifies the understanding at the stage of analysis and design between the customer and the system developer. The basics of visualization modeling and simplified example of models development of multi-sectoral management system are presented.
  • Публікація
    Processes Analysis of Networks Management Systems
    (2020) Petryshyn, L.; Petryshyn, M.; Cieslik, W.
    Simulation of the processes of sectoral cooperation management in distributed information systems allows to reduce the means of introduction and operation of such complex systems. The proposed method of visualization of information models reflects graphically the constituent processes and simplifies the understanding at the stage of analysis and design between the customer and the system developer. The basics of visualization modeling and simplified example of models development of multi-sectoral management system are presented.
  • Публікація
    Fuzzy Logic Custom Instruction Set for NIOS II Processor
    (2020) Ivanets, S. A.; Fesiuk, O. M.; Fesenko, A. P.
    The article describes a way to implement operations on fuzzy sets using additional processor instructions. As a target, a NIOS II soft processor is used. Due to the hardware implementation of instructions, the speed of their execution increases significantly. The integration of fuzzy instructions into the NIOS II processor instruction set simplifies the process of developing programs that use fuzzy inference algorithms.
  • Публікація
    Using Remote Hardware Education Kit to Study Electronics Courses
    (2020) Afanasiev, S. V.; Ivanets, S. A.; Poberezkyi, N. S.
    Using of remote tools for studying courses in electronics (digital design or microcontroller programming) can increase the efficiency of student learning. RHE (Remote Hardware Education) is a set of software and hardware equipment. And also, to reduce the load on the use of hardware testing, which will entail a reduction in costs for the purchase of components.
  • Публікація
    Methods of Organizing Communication Between Microcontrollers in the System of Monitoring Energy Consumption
    (2020) Novoselov, S.; Sychova, O.
    This paper discusses the principles of building networks based on modern LoRaWAN modems. The basics of implementation of data exchange in these networks are given. Experimental studies have been carried out which showed that in the case of “floating window” it is possible to increase the capacity of the network up to 10…15 packets per second without loss of data transmission speed.
  • Публікація
    The Use of Percepio Tracealyzer for the Development of FreeRTOS-based Applications
    (2020) Khomenko, M.; Velihorskyi, O.
    This paper discusses some problems of development and testing of FreeRTOS-based application. The use of Tracealyzer software tool is proposed to make this process more convenient. The benefits of such usage have been shown on typical issues that can be met in development and debug phase.
  • Публікація
    Remote Debugging of Embedded Systems in STM32CubeMonitor
    (2020) Velihorskyi, O.; Khomenko, M.; Nesterov, I.
    Debugging of embedded systems is one of the most important parts of firmware development. Real-time trace debugging by means of special software and hardware provides the best way to debug the firmware on real equipment. New challenges in higher education, caused by COVID-19 pandemic, require new approaches in courses, oriented on embedded system development. The paper is devoted to experience of STM32CubeMonitor implementation for remote debugging of STM32-based MCU boards during the quarantine and distance learning process, caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Публікація
    Intelligent Control and Monitoring Module for Uninterruptible Power Supply System
    (2020) Palamar, A.
    This paper proposes an intelligent control and monitoring module for industrial uninterruptible power supply systems. The structure scheme of the module based on the parallel connected of two microcontrollers with ARM architecture is designed. The software for the module is developed and implemented.
  • Публікація
    Realisation of Iterative Algorithm of Six-Port Reflectometer on FPGA Using Logarithm Function
    (2020) Zaichenko, O.; Zaichenko, N.; Galkin, P.; Golovkina, L.
    The six-port reflectometer is an universal measurement device of microwave range for signal power and tract termination reflection coefficient definition. The definition of such tract and termination parameters is made by sensor signal processing. As processing algorithm can be used least squares estimation. The advantages of least squares estimation is accuracy. The condition of its use is redundandant sensor number. The least squares estimation feature is invers matrix computation. As to FPGA realisation of algorithm there are problems connected to matrix inversion. So the report is devoted to attempt to simplify six-port reflectometer sensor signal processing and to avoid inverse matrix computation.
  • Публікація
    Approaches Half Band Filter Realization for Means FPGA
    (2019) Vorgul, O.
    Approaches to half band filter realization are considered. Ways of implementation are discussed. Possibilities for obtaining FIR or IIR realizations are mentioned
  • Публікація
    Features of the Use of Microprocessors in the Systems of Ovojectors in their Adaptation to the Conditions of the Former CIS
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Омаров, М. А.; Карташов, В. М.; Цехмистро, Р. И.
    This electronic document describes the use of microcontrollers in the regulations of automatic sorting of eggs with a live (dead) embryo with further automatic vaccination of live embryos. These installations are produced only in 3 countries and are called Ovojectors.
  • Публікація
    A VHDL Implemetation of the Advanced Encryption Standard
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Loban, H.
    A new original approach to realization of AES algorithm on FPGA is proposed. Problems of VHDL modeling of AES ciphering and deciphering are considered.
  • Публікація
    In-circuit Signal Analysis in the Development of Digital Devices in Vivado 2018
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Зубков, О. В.; Свид, І. В.; Мальцев, О. С.; Сайківська, Л. Ф.
    Considered the implementation of in-circuit analysis of logical signals in digital devices synthesized in Xilinx Field-Programmable Gate Array. Designed a digital control device streaming analog-to-digital converter. An analysis of the results of the analog-digital conversion was carried out and measures were taken to smooth out the false results of the conversion.
  • Публікація
    Field Programmable Counter Arrays Integration with Field Programmable Gates Arrays
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Карнаушенко, В. П.; Бородин, А. В.
    Field Programmable Counter Arrays (FPCAs) have been recently introduced to close the gap between Field Programmable Gates Arrays (FPGA) and Application Specified Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for arithmetic dominated applications. FPCAs are reconfigurable lattices that can be embedded into FPGAs to efficiently compute the result of multi-operand additions.
  • Публікація
    Organization Features of Parallel Processes in Programs for Microcontrollers with a Small Amount of Program Memory
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Verygha, A.
    A way of organizing parallel processes without the use of real-time operating systems is described, which is convenient for writing programs for microcontrollers with a small size of program memory.
  • Публікація
    Review of Seventh Series FPGA Xilinx
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Свид, І. В.; Мальцев, О. С.; Сайківська, Л. Ф.; Зубков, О. В.
    The work of the Xilinx FPGA of the 7th series was reviewed, as well as a comparative description of its families.
  • Публікація
    Intelligent Lighting Control and Management System
    (NURE, MC&FPGA, 2019) Новоселов, С. П.; Сичова, О. В.
    This paper discusses the features of building an automated lighting control system. The architecture of the automated system is given. The block diagram is considered and its components are described. The principle of interaction of intelligent devices with the server is given. Presented the rationale and benefits from the introduction of such a system.