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Разработка и исследование метода динамической балансировки очередей на маршрутизаторах мультисервисной телекоммуникационной сети

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Проблеми телекомунікацій

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Видання журналу


A method of queues dynamic balancing on the telecommunications network routers was proposed. Within the method flow-based queues balancing mathematical models use was adaptive and combined, queues load and requirements for quality of service accounted. Queue balancing models were reduced to solving optimization problems of linear and nonlinear programming. Method implements the so-called hierarchical queue (HQ), adaptively (based on the analysis of the interface) chooses a strategy of queues balancing, provides differentiated packet processing and distribution of bandwidth between queues, takes into account the priority and the length of a packet. Top level of the method is based on linear programming model, this allowed previous distribution of flows per queue with consolidating certain bandwidth for outgoing connection (physical interface). On the lower level of the method, each particular queue is divided into sub-queues and balancing of these sub-queues is based on more complex models of mixed integer and nonlinear programming. With the proposed method the queue balancing process was experimentally investigated with varying degrees of flow accounting parameters.


Ключові слова

динамическая балансировка очередей, метод, MPLS, Traffic Engineering Queues, мультисервисная сеть, телекоммуникационная сеть

Бібліографічний опис

Семеняка, М. В. Разработка и исследование метода динамической балансировки очередей на маршрутизаторах мультисервисной телекоммуникационной сети [Текст] / М. В. Семеняка, А. В. Симоненко, Али С. Али // Проблеми телекомунікацій. - 2012. № 3 (8). - С. 64 – 78.