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Methods for contradictions detection in OpenFlow protocol specification

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Methods of contradictions detectin in the requirements of the OpenFlow protocol specification are offered: the method of successive comparison of formalism requirements and the method of construction of the reachability tree of protocol states graph. The method of sequential detection and collation of all specification formalisms that containe the statement being verified makes it possible to solve effectively a number of narrowly focused tasks. The method for checking the reachability of the graph of states corresponding to the requirements of the specification, which makes it possible to identify all the multiple contradictions within the specification or its fragment.


Ключові слова

OpenFlow protocol

Бібліографічний опис

Tkachova O. B. Methods for contradictions detection in OpenFlow protocol specification / O. B. Tkachova, Abdulghafoor Raed Yahya // Radiotekhnika : All-Ukr. Sci. Interdep. Mag. – 2015. – №183. – P. 53 – 58.

