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Theory and Proximity Fitts's Law in Typography

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In today's world there is no place for approximate nature. Each hypothesis takes tremendous amount of time, efforts and manpower recourses. And it mostly concerns typography. Darkness of vague gestures towards the graphic kinds of language units makes you think and conduct the in-depth analysis of the existing relevant problems. In recent years, this phenomenon is becoming increasingly important as the number of various information carriers is growing and the quality of playback information on them remains mediocre. The time of stories about the hierarchical pattern and structuring, about the overall composition and the ratio of the regarded elements passed long ago. This has nothing to do with the specifics, these are the stories about the shadowy notions, empty theoretical base, dilettantism and inconsistency in the chosen profession. The problem is relevant for a variety of educational areas, especially for printing business professionals.


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Бібліографічний опис

Radchenko V. R. Theory and Proximity Fitts's Law in Typography / V. R. Radchenko, I. В.Chebotarоva // Полиграфические, мультимедийные и WEB-технологии (PMW-2016) : тез. докл. 1-й Междунар. науч.-техн. конф., 16–20 мая 2016 г. – Харьков : ХНУРЭ, 2016. – Т. 1. – С. 156–157.